Monday, May 23, 2011

From plastic bread bag to small money purse-May 19th 2011

 By Bronwyn Kay-youth

Diane Paquette is a highly skilled artisan and textile artist. She comes from a line of weavers originating in Quebec.

At a recent Environment Hamilton event people of all ages gathered together to learn the skill of weaving with plastic bags.

Diane talked about how she got started weaving plastics and gave us an overview about the different types of plastic bags.

Diane provided the participants with cardboard looms she had made and we learned how to make a change purse out of a wonder bread plastic bags.

They are very simple to make! As well as that it's a wonderful way of keeping plastic out of our seas and animals. We talked and laughed and had a wonderful time!


  1. Awesome! I would love to learn how to make them, do you have any tutorials online? :) Thank you! Keep the good work!

  2. Yes I would love a tutorial too, this is the nicest recycled bag I've seen

  3. Beautiful. R they hard to make? Great project for schools environmental club.

  4. I would love this tutorial if you have one.

  5. I'd also appreciate a 'tutorial' as I live in Southern California, USA Thank you
