Friday, July 29, 2011

Eco Art with the Youth Group

July 24th-We had a good time making art out of materials that would otherwise have been discarded. Here are some of our creations:
And here we all are:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Volunteer and Climate Change Action

It's been a while since we blogged. We plan to blog more regularly from now on.
Just want to let you know that there are many opportunities for volunteering. Check out our website here:

Also, Hamilton 350 is looking for volunteers to help distribute flyers:
Hamilton is feeling gas pains at the pump.
Please help us deliver fast acting relief.
The Hamilton 350 Committee for Effective Climate Change Action 
is distributing gas flyers
in Dundas on Wed., Jul. 20 and Sat., Jul. 23
from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Our flyer offers tips on how to save $$$, and, more importantly,
make the connection between fossil fuel use and climate change. 
It is our experience they are well received.

You are warmly invited to join our distribution team on one or both days.
If you can spare us some time.
and Richard Reble will give you to directions to the place 
where the team will meet.